BYSL Global Technology Group








Finance Industry

Creating the next edge for financial institutions

BYSL Global delivers a resilitent and secure global cloud infrastructure and relevant services for financial services institutions to help them stand out in the competition today and embrace the challenges of tomorrow.


In order to adapt to any unpredictable disruption while making a volatile economic journey through the ongoing war-ridden global economy, financial services institutions require a stronger and more resilient technological base to operate and thrive against the dire realities. Higher stakes are pushing institutions to their limits to accelerate innovation through streamlined operations at a minimal cost. That is where cloud becomes a defining factor for new businesses and financial institutions sit on top of the list.

The cloud-based financial solutions by BYSL Global include frameworks for security, control, the risk models for deploying cloud, and a robust infrastructure with a range of micro services to optimize operation, drive innovation in the sphere of banking and finance.

Problems & Solutions

Growing need for extensive compute power

With rapidly growing use of digital devices, systems, and internet access, more and more compute power is required by the financial institutions to effectively manage and harness the power of data and aggregate the processing power to drive performance. The surging rate of workloads and complex calculations required to drive results within the fastest possible time needs more power than is met by the localized computing systems.


Advanced cloud computing

High Performance Computing (HPC) aided by cloud computing offered by BYSL Global is one way to boost agility of operations, transaction processing, and streamline interactions and communication across different layers of operations in financial institutions. Our advanced cloud computing solution offers the power that you need to optimize processing of data across multiple localized systems as much as the cloud to unlock agility, flexibility and scalability while reducing cost by using a fair usage-based pricing.


Customizable compute capacity

Compute resources managed automatically

Simplified options to create virtual private servers

Flexible load balancing

Automating processes with AI & ML

For financial institutions, adoption of AI and ML in financial services take place in document processing (OCR), pricing and product recommendation processes, predictive analytics and enhancing customer experience. The common challenges to adapt and implement AI and ML include skills gap and cost. Despite a soaring need for the adaptation of these high-end technologies, few are able to fulfill their requirements.

Big Data management

Understanding how to manage, organize and receive actionable insights from the enormous volume of data is one of the challenges for financial institutions. Besides, the maximum percentage of available data in a financial institution is either unstructured or semi-structured which is difficult to process. Other major areas of challenge in handling Big Data include data security, data quality, data silos and regulatory obligations.

Cyber security

Threats are constantly evolving, and the cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing. The stakes are high in the financial industry since there is substantial financial information at risk as well as severe economic disruption if financial systems are hacked. Each attack costs financial institutions millions of dollars. How can advanced technology integrate with the finance industry and create a barrier to such cyber threats?


Business insights: Latest highlights


Intelligent Marketing and Sales Analytics to Accelerate Digital Transformation.

With the aid of cutting-edge analytical tools and processes, BYSL Global Technology assists business...

Jan 9, 2023

2 mins to read


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IT-enabled inventory: A key to lead the next-gen omnichannel.

Smarts software can be used to make smart decisions, and it will also aid reliability, preference, a...

Jan 9, 2023

3 mins to read


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Supply Chain

Three effective approaches to accelerate business development toward a sustainable supply chain.

The ability to communicate data throughout your supply chain ecosystem in a safe and competent manne...

Jan 9, 2023

4 mins to read


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Get impactful outcomes through an AI-driven marketing approach.

When used as part of a comprehensive digital strategy, AI can assist marketing experts in operating ...

Jan 8, 2023

7 mins to read


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What motivates financial professionals to use cloud infrastructure?

For financial institutions, a hybrid cloud solution that combines public cloud flexibility with priv...

Jan 8, 2023

2 mins to read


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Intelligent Marketing and Sales Analytics to Accelerate Digital Transformation.

With the aid of cutting-edge analytical tools and processes, BYSL Global Technology assists business...

Jan 9, 2023

2 mins to read


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IT-enabled inventory: A key to lead the next-gen omnichannel.

Smarts software can be used to make smart decisions, and it will also aid reliability, preference, a...

Jan 9, 2023

3 mins to read


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Supply Chain

Three effective approaches to accelerate business development toward a sustainable supply chain.

The ability to communicate data throughout your supply chain ecosystem in a safe and competent manne...

Jan 9, 2023

4 mins to read


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Get impactful outcomes through an AI-driven marketing approach.

When used as part of a comprehensive digital strategy, AI can assist marketing experts in operating ...

Jan 8, 2023

7 mins to read


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What motivates financial professionals to use cloud infrastructure?

For financial institutions, a hybrid cloud solution that combines public cloud flexibility with priv...

Jan 8, 2023

2 mins to read


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Intelligent Marketing and Sales Analytics to Accelerate Digital Transformation.

With the aid of cutting-edge analytical tools and processes, BYSL Global Technology assists business...

Jan 9, 2023

2 mins to read


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IT-enabled inventory: A key to lead the next-gen omnichannel.

Smarts software can be used to make smart decisions, and it will also aid reliability, preference, a...

Jan 9, 2023

3 mins to read


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Supply Chain

Three effective approaches to accelerate business development toward a sustainable supply chain.

The ability to communicate data throughout your supply chain ecosystem in a safe and competent manne...

Jan 9, 2023

4 mins to read


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Get impactful outcomes through an AI-driven marketing approach.

When used as part of a comprehensive digital strategy, AI can assist marketing experts in operating ...

Jan 8, 2023

7 mins to read


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What motivates financial professionals to use cloud infrastructure?

For financial institutions, a hybrid cloud solution that combines public cloud flexibility with priv...

Jan 8, 2023

2 mins to read


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